What My Clients Say

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy & Coaching

Jane Pendry


Sense-Ability Customer Testimonials

Thank you to all clients who posted a testimonial on the Sense-Ability Yell or Sense-Ability Hypnotherapy & Coaching Google Business listings, or emailed me a review for my website. Many clients do not want to be identified by Google, Yell or any online service. Testimonials are added with the permission of clients, and I am required to keep evidence of their consent and attribution - * indicates a pseudonym chosen by my client.

Jane helped me deal with PTSD from my childhood and past relationships. I find it difficult at times to open up but felt totally at ease and comfortable during my therapy in her safe and welcoming studio. The sessions have helped me come to terms with and heal from some really traumatic events. I now feel much more comfortable in my own skin and have shedded some of the guilt I previously felt.

I found Jane friendly, calming, knowledgeable and professional, at all times, in my hypnotherapy sessions and would thoroughly recommend her to anyone considering therapy.
— Jeremy G, Trauma Client, June 2024
I still get very tired and can’t do as much as I did before (at the moment) but when I compare myself to even a year ago I can’t believe how different I am - and I honestly put that down to you, so I can’t thank you enough. It’s not always easy, as I do find myself feeling sorry for myself on a bad day but I seem to be able to put a positive spin on things most of the time, which certainly wasn’t me before my aortic dissection [a rare major heart operation], so that’s a plus!
— Rona, one year follow up, June 2024
I cannot thank Jane enough for her help with my emetophobia. Before seeking help, I was experiencing anxiety regularly, feeling panic in triggering situations, thinking about my fear every day many times a day and it felt like something I was never going to shift. Seeking help felt like a huge relief and Jane immediately made me feel relaxed and comfortable. Now I barely experience anxiety, if I do I am equipped with useful coping mechanisms, I forget to do my safety behaviours and I certainly do not think about my past fear as much as before. Highly recommend Jane’s gentle and safe approach …
— Penny, Yell review, April 2024
I was not even aware I had a syndrome until trypophobia [an aversion to groups of small holes] kicked off and I could not stop my mind going over and over back to the same problem. Jane managed to unlock the cycle of sleeplessness and daytime flashbacks it caused with her treatment. It took only two sessions and I know how to deal with it. Please share my experience with any of your patients. Thank you again.
— Adrienne, April 2024
I wanted to get in touch to thank you. I don’t think I can even explain in words how you helped me turn my life around. I took all your advice and started focusing on what I DO want. It’s such a powerful tool. You helped me at a turning point in my life …
I can’t thank you enough for all your help. You will never understand how much impact you have had and you helped bring the phoenix out from me.
— Preya L, Coaching, March 2024
I found the sessions unbelievably helpful to the point where I essentially lead a normal life now where most days I don’t even think about the risk of being sick.
— Charlotte M, Emetophobia Client, Feb 23
The best thing I’ve ever done!
Before finding Jane I was so stuck, suffering daily with debilitating emetaphobia. It has ruled my whole life for as long as I can remember and I never thought i could be fixed, I couldn’t see myself and my life without it. Jane gave me strategies and activities to put into place when triggered or faced with an uncomfortable scenario and it had worked wonders! The only thing that has ever helped me. I feel confident in myself now that I can fight this and there is healing. Please if you take anything from this review, reach out if you’re struggling, you can absolutely heal and you are strong enough! Jane is so friendly, made me the most comfortable and is always there when I need her advice.
— Ellie K, from Yell review, Feb 24
I have tried a number of therapies in the past (CBT, EFT, NLP, hypnotherapy and the Lightning Process) which all helped in a small way, but I think Jane’s approach using solution-focused therapy was a winner for me. It makes sense, it uses evidence, and looks at the future rather than the past.

I had thirteen sessions in total, I knew it wouldn’t be overnight (after thirty-five years of suffering) but I can honestly say l’ve never felt so positive. I started my therapy with a feeling of hopelessness. I am now living a life doing things I never thought possible, and feel optimistic and strong for future.
— Max, from Google review, reposted Feb 24
Jane Pendry is a highly skilled and very competent hypnotherapist who helped me immensely with my anxiety, OCD and with regulating my nervous system. I did a lot of traditional therapy and RTT as well, but she has been the one who helped me achieve the greatest results in a short amount of time. In addition to her vast knowledge on how the mind/brain works and how trauma affects people, one can sense that she genuinely cares about her clients. I can wholeheartedly recommend her!
— Anonymous trauma client, Dec 2023
Free at last! I went on holiday last week and had a great time! I never thought that would be possible. Last year I had 10 Sense-Ability sessions, spread out over 4 months. Today I barely think about my old fear.
— Alison S *. Emetophobia Client, Feb 24
I was terrified to drive again after my accident. After just three Sense-Ability sessions, I was back driving. Now I’m back on motorways, driving to friends and relatives, and I have my freedom back. Thank you Jane for your compassion, kindness and for the Rewind Trauma therapy (amazing) and hypnotherapy sessions. They did the trick.
— Shirley, Fear of Driving, December 2023
I tried exposure and desensitisation. I tried CBT. I tried the Thrive Programme. They helped a bit but they never got to the bottom of the problem. I had to keep up the work or my avoidance behaviours returned. With Jane’s Sense-Ability Emetophobia Recovery Pathway, I finally resolved my fear. It was less stressful, not to mention affordable. Now I eat out, travel away from home, visit friends and, I have even taken my children to Soft Play! Things I never imagined doing. I wasn’t pushed to do uncomfortable things. There were no complicated manuals or forms. My quality of life is much better. I highly recommend Jane’s approach to resolving emetophobia.
— Carolyn J, Emetophobia Client, Aug 2023
Having suffered with pain for many years I had already tried all the medications and tests but they failed to provide any proper relief. I then started treatment with Jane … Coming from a medical profession, I was a total sceptic however within 4 sessions, I noticed that my pain levels decreased significantly and now they are at a level where they do not bother me during day-to-day activities. Most days are pain free … even if I do have an odd flare-up, Jane has given me a technique to dispel the bloating and it works really rapidly without medications. I have been so impressed with Jane that I have continued working with her but more on a coaching role… If you have IBS… seriously consider investing your time into using the techniques that Jane can offer.
— MZ, IBS Client, Google review, Oct 2023
Jane has helped me unbelievably. Without her therapy I would have completely lost direction. She helps me recognise where patterns are and how they can be repeated. The therapy heals fast. Where before I would have been devastated on discovery, now in minutes, I move on. And no looking back.
— NT, Narcissistic Abuse Survivor, Aug 2023
When I first contacted Jane, my emetophobia ruled every part of my life, and I felt utterly helpless. After a number of rewind and hypnotherapy sessions under Jane’s compassionate care I started to feel more and more confident... I feel lighter and freer than I have in years ... Thanks to Jane lam a better mum to be little ones, and a far more relaxed person.”If you happen to be reading this, and feeling hopeless about emetophobia - I promise you, that with Jane, there is genuine hope!
— Lucy W, Emetophobia Client, July 2023
Before coming to Jane for help, I had reached my lowest point in my struggle with Emetophbia. I struggled with my disorder for many years and its severity steadily increased. I could no longer eat or drink unless I was half asleep. As a result I would go days without eating/drinking and when I could, it was very little. I was extremely malnourished and underweight. I couldn’t leave my house. I couldn’t drive or go anywhere. I could hardly leave my room. My body was beginning to shut down. After the first meeting with Jane, I had finally found the hope that I could get better again after so many years of having given up. After many sessions and homework, I began to do all the things I used to do without the debilitating anxiety. Jane’s methods and guidance directed me towards healing and healthiness and I got my life back.
— Jasmine, Emetophobia/Trauma, July 2023
Turned our lives back around. Jane has completely changed mine and my daughter’s lives. She suffers with Emetophobia [extreme fear of vomiting], it was heartbreaking watching my daughter crying everyday because she thought something was wrong with her and she wasn’t enjoying life anymore… Jane has helped and supported my daughter and I through all of this and without her I dread to think where we would be now and I owe her so much. Millie is thriving at life again and able to start doing all the things she previously couldn’t when we first met Jane. Millie is especially fond of Jane, which says a lot being she is a teenager!
— Liz T, Yell Review, July 2023
I contacted Jane after an incident triggered an old trauma, resulting in me ruminating, creating a lot of anxiety and obsessive thoughts. After my first session, I instantly felt at ease. Jane understood my situation immediately. Jane is warm, empathetic and helped me immensely within the first few sessions.

”I felt I was making great progress when another unexpected situation arose. After another session, I felt back on track. Thanks to the tools Jane had already given me, I was able to bounce back much quicker. I enjoyed my sessions, and always felt positive and uplifted afterwards. While Jane allowed me to talk openly about things in my life, she had a knack of ... changing my focus to move forward and find solutions. A mindset I’ve carried forward. I’m now living without anxiety and ruminating.
— J L, Trauma Client, January 2023
I found Jane at a dark phase in my life. My health wasn’t great and my mental and emotional state was unstably dark... Jane instantly provided me with a safe space to realise and release brain patterns that were keeping me stuck. Over time I started to feel freer. Jane took my mind on many ‘holidays’ which felt so peaceful and calming. It was a breath of fresh air ...Continuing with hypnotherapy, my brain started getting used to feeling positive emotions more and more. I began embracing a new way of thinking. My health became much better. I was swooped out of the dark place and entered a life of positivity. The impossible became possible. Thank you Jane for your kind heart and sharing your gift to help others. I am truly grateful.
— ST, Childhood Trauma, February 2023
I am immensely grateful to Jane. I have had a lifetime of trauma and had tried talking therapies of every kind. I generally had kept my demons at bay but a series of frightening situations in the last few years had tipped me over the edge. I was suffering with overwhelming anxiety and episodes of panic. Jane’s compassion, understanding and care was healing in itself. It felt reassuring to be understood. Within a couple of sessions my anxiety had lifted and I had a sense of joy and wellbeing. Instead of seeing danger in everything I felt deep gratitude and joy returning for the first time in years.
— Vanna, Trauma client, December 2022
Before, my Emetophobia would have affected me every single day. It would have been on my mind almost all the time. Now I barely register it. I can carry on my day, without anxiety or worry. And if I get in a situation where I encounter sickness, I feel much more able to handle it, rather than break down. I cannot thank Jane enough for her support and help when I needed it most. [From a longer review on Yell].
— Ceri M, Emetophobia Client, October 2022
After having unexpected major open heart surgery I suffered with post operative delirium and anxiety leading to me being unable to even sleep with the light out, or be alone in the house. I realised I needed to speak to someone and was recommended Jane by a friend of my daughters. I cannot praise Jane highly enough… she helped me face my demons and to look at the positives in my life instead of the negative thoughts I had been having – but all in my own time, I never felt rushed and Jane was happy to listen to me..., never making me feel silly or uncomfortable. My physical recovery has been challenging but on the whole good, however without Jane’s help, I am convinced I wouldn’t be as far along as I am.
— Rona, Trauma Client. Sept 2022,
I had been suffering from debilitating symptoms of PTSD for 3 years and was living in fear / survival mode every day. It has affected my work, my relationships and my physical health. I really was a lost and desperate soul, when I finally managed to find a suitable remedy. Jane was very compassionate, and her clear understanding of PTSD / C-PTSD made me stop beating myself up so much for not being able to cure myself all by myself. The rewind therapy and timeline therapy helped me greatly to reframe certain trauma-inducing events. As a result, I feel much calmer, more confident and more in tune with myself and reality. I feel like I’m now able to move on, where I had been stuck for 3 frustrating years. Talking therapies hadn’t helped me, but the hypnotherapy did.
— D R - Trauma Client, October 2022, Yell
Jane is unbiased and has the expertise and tools to help you up level your life! If you are stuck or need a bigger life overhaul and want to accelerate reaching your goals ... I suggest you pick up that phone and contact Jane right now
— Maria L, Coaching Client May 2022
“That was when I found Jane Pendry at Sense-Ability. Her complementary Solution Focused somatic approach to healing just clicked, like the missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle.
— Denise, CPTSD client, March 2022
As a long-time needle-phobia sufferer, the Covid-19 pandemic has forced me to face my fear. I suffer from vaso-vagal syncope related to injections which adds a complexity and fear to vaccinations... Jane was absolutely determined to find an approach that would work for me and by investing time in listening to me, she did... I am happy to say that we got there and I was able to email her a photo of myself at the pharmacy, proudly holding my vaccination card.
— Ash, Complex Needle Phobia, Dec 2021
I can’t possibly express how grateful I am to have found Jane... My 12 year old son had been suffering from emetophobia and general anxiety for years. We had been to many different psychiatrists and therapists but none seemed to be very effective ... He is honestly a different kid from before he started and his anxiety is much more manageable. As a result our family as a whole is functioning better and that is due to Jane’s help.
— Jennifer Rothman, October 2021
I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure Sense-Ability’s therapies would work for me. My anxiety, constant ruminating and obsessing about what I did, and what people said or didn’t say felt like it was part of my personality and couldn’t be changed. But it was starting to affect so much of my life I was prepared to try anything. I am glad I did commit. I don’t really know why hypnotherapy works, it seems so gentle, but it does... I feel like I have got my life back already.
— Margaret, August 2021
My experience with Jane has been life changing. She helped me a lot in just one session. She’s kind, understanding and she helps you rethink your problems. I would recommend her in the blink of an eye, especially if you are looking for quick and effective results. Life can be great and you don’t have to suffer. Jane knows her stuff!
— Ana T, September 2021
My case [traumatic brain injury] was not something Jane had dealt with before and she made it very clear that if there was no progressing within a few sessions we would stop treatment. Thankfully we saw results early on, thanks to Jane’s behind the scenes research.... got me to a state of repair far quicker than the doctors anticipated ... through the relaxing of my nervous system and continued support.

I can’t thank you enough Jane, you have been great!!!
— Justin Dougherty, April 2021
Jane helped me make rapid progress with managing my ruminating and my obsessive thinking. After ‘emptying my stress’ bucket, over a few weeks, I was able to get a better perspective on my anxiety. The Solution Focused conversations with Jane helped me identify how I wanted to think and react to stress. I learnt how to interrupt my obsessive thinking, naturally and easily, and get back in control.
— Fran*, OCD client, June 2021
Jane had treated me for PTSD, depression and anxiety and without her professional therapy service I would not be here today to leave this review. I highly recommend Jane and her amazing relaxation therapy. She really knows her stuff! She’s professional and very knowledgable in her field. Many thanks Jane. You are a true angel.
— Steve McInerney - April 2021
I recommend Jane based on my experience of her creating a personalised meditation for me. She listened and came up with ideas. I felt safe and nurtured by her taking the time to learn what made me feel comfortable and incorporating new ideas into the meditation. I struggle to listen to normal meditations sometimes so having this experience made me feel special and was very different to listening to other meditations. I didn’t want the session to end! It was the most relaxed I’ve been in a meditation for a while
— Sophie, April 2021
... Rewind therapy has already given me whole pieces of my life back, and I’m so thankful for that. I also find myself wondering what else it might make possible for me?
— Julie C, January 2020
I came to Jane for help after experiencing terrible anxiety about university work that was preventing me from sleeping and was massively impacting my mood. After two sessions Jane has helped me to get back into a great sleep pattern and feel completely back to my old self. I’d recommend Jane to anybody! I can’t thank you enough Jane
— Isabel, March 2021
I cannot thank Jane enough for the work she did with me in what was a relatively short space of time, considering how severe my emetophobia was. I feel so much lighter and worry free on a daily basis now compared to how I used to anxiously get through my day. I would recommend Jane to anyone dealing with phobias, she really is fantastic.
— Harriet Harris*, November 2020
I wouldn’t be half the person I am now without Jane, I truly account her for saving my life and allowing me to live a life off tablets, whilst finding the true meaning of happiness in myself.

Some people may not believe in hypnotherapy but I do.
— Madeleine Morris*, January 2021
Jane worked out a Rewind Therapy plan for me during my first session with her.  I have to say, it was like some kind of miracle and had an immediate and positive impact on my life. The ruminating disappeared and the memories seemed to lose their emotional connection. They changed from sitting on my shoulder on a daily basis to being a dim and distant memory that didn’t bother me anymore; where they should have been. I would recommend anyone experiencing the pain of heartbreak and loss to try this really rather simple and very clever therapy.  Have faith, it works!
— KC, October 2020
With a difficult history of depression and anxiety, I’ve seen a lot of different therapists since my teenage years. Solution-focused hypnotherapy changed my life. After a traumatic birth and coronavirus increased my anxiety to a point where I couldn’t cope ... I feel fortunate to have found Jane. With her support, validation, recognition and guidance, I’ve begun to heal parts of me I thought were too deeply wounded to be reached. Jane is the best hypnotherapist I have ever had.
— Hannah Thomas, October 2020
I was so happy to have found the wonderful Jane Pendry of Sense-Ability. Jane’s Solution Focused methods helped me get my mind back on track, feel more relaxed and focused, and manage my own thoughts and feelings. Where I would once worry and become anxious, I now know how to keep calm and prepare myself for the day ahead.

Jane has been amazing, her manner, wit, knowledge and supportive approach were instrumental to my progression in each session. I now confidently go about my day knowing I have the memories of Jane’s sessions with me at all times. It has been an exhilarating experience.
— Gail Parmel, MBE, September 2020
After years of continuous stress followed by a trail of illnesses, I felt at rock bottom. Then lockdown happened. I couldn’t think straight, I felt anxious and scared and was having panic attacks. Every shred of my confidence had disappeared. Jane is approachable, experienced and empathetic.

I noticed improvements with my sleep, I now take time to enjoy simple things which has helped with relaxation. I have discovered how to turn a negative into a positive which makes things seem brighter. I highly recommend Jane’s services.
— Claire Cousins, August 2020
...Solution Focused Hypnotherapy with Jane has made a real difference. I had been taking many more pain killers than I should. Now I only take them occasionally. As a result of working with Jane, I am now in control of my medication, I get out more, I am more connected to friends and family, and I do more exercise. In six weeks, my quality of life improved dramatically.
— Linda L, June 2020
Jane, you have been a lifesaver for me. You are someone I trust utterly and you really ‘get me’ as few people do. I have received both SF hypnotherapy and Rewind Trauma therapy from you as well as solution-focused counselling. The hypnotherapy isn’t scary at all; your confidence and experience helps me always feel very safe... I cannot recommend you highly enough
— Julie, Misophonia and Trauma, May 2020
I feel free. I have resolved the insecurities that were blocking some key business decisions I had to make. After therapy, when I think about the pain and hurt I had experienced as a child and carried with me, it felt as if the traumatic events had taken place in a movie. I felt no animosity, no hurt, no anger and no shame. The pain had been transformed into a normal memory so it can’t be triggered anymore. I now feel able to take on the challenges ahead with confidence and self-belief.
— She on Rewind Trauma, May 2020
Thank you for my Rewind Trauma Therapy. I have suffered from misophonia - a fear of hearing people eat linked to childhood trauma - for over 40 years. Since the Rewind to treat this issue, I have been able to test it a few times. Today, someone sitting next to me was crunching loudly on crisps. I was amazed that I felt nothing ... NOTHING. I’m glad I can finally let this issue go. It will change my life. That gave me the confidence to use the same process to tackle even more profound traumas.
— Julie, January 2020
I visited Jane at a time when anxiety was interfering with my life but in particular was preventing me from travelling. After one session of hypnotherapy I noticed a difference in my whole outlook. I was much calmer and my mind felt less frazzled which meant I could start to feel more confident and relaxed when travelling. Jane really helped me turn a corner and I would recommend her to anyone fears about travelling.
— Melissa Dobson, October 2019
I started working with Jane in 2019. My anxiety reduced quite quickly and my quality of sleep improved significantly. However, it wasn’t until after a few sessions, when I drove with my partner up to Manchester, that I realised the difference with my driving. I was very calm when driving and the night before the trip, instead of the usual sleepless night, I did not feel any fear or anxiety. This gave me a lot more confidence driving to Manchester and in general.
— Chloe, September 2019
Jane has been a tremendous help on my weight loss journey. I now feel empowered to succeed
— Weight management client, August 2020
After years of stress and trauma, I was depressed, anxious, hated my life and was dependent on drugs. The first time I sat with Jane I couldn’t envision anything. My only dream was to have energy to look after my appearance and do something with myself. Now I’m a new person, living a busy lifestyle, taking pride in the way I look and finally free of my bad habits. I always avoided tablets like the plague, so other than the love of my mother, hypnotherapy has been the core to my healing. Everyone has their own coping methods and for me this has been mine. I was so lucky god sent Jane into my life.b
— MM, July to August 2019
Hello Jane. I’m happy to tell you that I passed my language exam with the score required by the University. I’m really happy and suprised by my score! I’d like to you thank you very much for you help! Your Solution Focused Hypnotherapy helped me to pass this exam!
— Oxford Language Student, May 2019
Jane has worked wonders for me. I was having a very stressful situation at home where I was finding it very difficult to stay calm and not to overreact. I noticed the difference in my ability to deal with difficult and overwhelming emotions within a couple of sessions. Jane’s sessions were practical, solution focused and very useful. I highly recommend her.
— Anna Guarnieri, April 2020
Jane has been instrumental in returning me to zen calmness when I have been on the verge of cracking. I don’t know how she does it, but it works like magic.
— Helen, February 2020
Jane’s friendly, calm manner and clear explanations put me at ease from the first session. I enjoyed learning more about the process of hypnotherapy and found our sessions and the recordings helpful and productive in re-conceptualising my anxiety and visualizing positive outcomes. Thank you very much for all your help.
— MW , March 2019
I have been seeing Jane for anxiety during a very challenging time in my life. Jane asks me Solution Focused questions that make me think in a different way and help me to feel calmer and more in control. I always leave with a smile on my face.
— Naomi, November 2019
The results feel magical but were explained in an accessible and scientific way. Jane’s manner and approach with our daughter was just right – understanding and positive - with a focus on improvement. I would have no qualms recommending her.
— Mother of 16 year old client, June 2019
I found Jane really helpful. Her ability to tailor her approach to my needs really gave me confidence in what we could achieve together and during the hypnosis I felt deeply relaxed. It has really made a difference to my life.
— Tanya B, June 2019
I would highly recommend Jane to anyone wanting to improve a skill or remove an emotional block. Jane’s approach puts you at ease. I was getting more nervous as my exams drew closer. With Jane’s guidance, my confidence improved just at the right time so I could concentrate with a clear mind, on answering the questions on the day of my exams.

This was the best decision. Thank you Jane for helping me pass my exams.
— Sarah C, June 2019
I contacted Sense-Ability to get help with my fear of flying. Best decision ever! Jane helped me a lot. Our sessions were in a cosy studio/ room where I felt comfortable, relaxed and in good hands. I have finally conquered my fear of flying. Would I recommend Sense-Ability? Definitely! Thank you ever so much.
— Margherita M, May 2019
You have made more difference in 20 days than the NHS has in 5 years.
— MH, March 2019
I found the goal setting exercise a fascinating experience and it has changed my perception of this practice. Every time I read my goal out loud I can literally feel the emotions of the experience I’m reading, which for me is a new step as I am highly audio digital, logical and analytical and normally find getting in touch with my emotions difficult. Thank you so much Jane.
— Blair Humphreys, April 2019
Jane was fantastically supportive, focusing on the positive and tailoring her approach to deal with my anxieties. She helped me examine my responses to situations and to create new reactions.
— HW, July 2018
I had a fear of driving alone. We had only one session of NLP and Hypnotherapy and next day I was able to drive alone to work, I felt amazing.

Jane made the experience very nice, relaxed and efficient.
— Natalia Cotorobai, May 2018
I struggled to get in touch with positive feelings and emotions for a long time. Since working with Jane, she has helped me to feel less cut off from my experiences so that I am able to enjoy life more. I am gradually becoming more able to access positive emotions. Although this is a process that has taken time, I always leave our sessions feeling brighter and better equipped to face life.
— Natasha, April 2018

NB I identify clients as they wish - anonymous, initials, first name or full name.
* I have used a pseudonym chosen by my client

Professional Integrity

I am fully trained and accredited to deliver only those therapies on this website by appropriate respected professional bodies (see footer). I do not offer regression. I do not claim to cure. Any transformations that may take place are down to the client’s ability to heal or resolve and results cannot be guaranteed. Always check the training and accreditations of therapists before working with them. If you are under the care of a psychiatrist, please consult them before having any complementary therapy to support you with an enduring mental health issues.