About Jane Pendry

Sense-Ability Hypnotherapy & Coaching


Online, International, Award-Winning, Clinical and Solution Focused Hypnotherapist, Rewind Trauma Therapist & Coach.

Specialist in Emetophobia Recovery

with extensive experience in overwhelming Anxiety, Travel Phobias, OCD, Complex Phobias and Trauma resulting from toxic relationships, workplace bullying, medical procedures, childhood trauma.

Best Hypnotherapist, London & The South East, Prestige Awards, 2023/2024 and 2024/2025
Three Best Rated, Oxford 2023

Global Health & Pharma's award - Most Unique Hypnotherapy & Coaching Practice 2024 - Oxfordshire

Jane Pendry at Sense-Ability Hypnotherapy & Coaching

Resolve. Heal. Flourish

Become the authentic, best version of yourself

If you are ‘all talked out’ and ready to move forward, my tailored and compassionate Sense-Ability Pathways help you manage, overcome & resolve anxiety, stress, indimnya, complex phobias, traumas, obsessive thinking and ruminating, & emetophobia (best of vomiting) and misophonia (intense irritation of specific sounds).

I’m Jane Pendry from Sense-Ability Solution Focused Hypnotherapy & Coaching, providing therapies that focus on now and the future to resolve issues from the past.

Whether you are addressing a specific anxiety-related condition, or more deep-seated issues that takes time and patience to resolve, I can support you on your journey to health and happiness.

Accepting, managing and overcoming my own challenges - from complex childhood trauma to chronic illness - has helped me to become a caring, compassionate and committed therapist and coach.

While talking therapies had temporarily bought understanding, validation and relief, they didn’t resolve my problems. In fact, sometimes they made things worse! I reached a stage in my life when I was ready to move on but didn’t know how. I felt stuck.

Solution Focused approaches unlocked the door to resolution and healing. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and allied and supportive therapies strengthened neural pathways and helped me change the way I think, act, react and interact.

I went on to train as a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist, Rewind Trauma Therapist and NLP Practitioner. So I know they can help you too.

My clients

Resolving Fears and Phobias

Some of my clients have relatively specific issues but they still impact their lives greatly. Fear of driving or flying, exam or interview nerves for example. They need a little support to change their mindset, habits and behaviours. With just a few Solution Focused Hypnotherapy sessions, many clients achieve the outcomes they want.

I can also achieve rapid results with rapid induction methods, direct commands and parts hypnotherapy, Neuro-linguistic Programming, as well as EFT tapping for issues such as habit or behaviour change, or to change mindset before exams, presentations, interviews or wedding.

When things are more complex

I know from personal experience that talking about the past can bring enormous and immediate relief. However, we can get stuck in a never-ending loop of talking.

Some clients have more complex and deep-rooted issues to resolve.

They’ve tried talking therapies, exposure or CBT. They may feel they have tried everything! It feels like they are on a hamster wheel.

Helping these clients unlock the cycle and find the path to recovery is deeply rewarding.

When the past is in the present

There comes a point when we know and understand the who, what, when and why… but we don’t know how to move forward.

Talking about the past for too long, can sustain a state of powerlessness and pain.

When the past is in our present, and preventing us from moving on, Solution Focused processes can be the key to unlock a brighter, better future.

Healing need not be painful

We are led to believe we must talk about the past in order to understand it and resolve it. One counsellor even told me that therapy has to be painful to work! I don’t agree.

Working at your pace

Being trauma-informed means I always work at the pace of change that feels comfortable for you.

Some clients are ready for rapid transformational change; others are searching for stability and steady incremental steps forward.

Some issues are situational - stress at work, exams, presentation, a journey, a wedding or a physical challenge.

Some issues are deep-rooted, embedded and enduring.

Solution Focused approaches are simple, infinitely flexible, empowering and transformative. The aim is to have ‘as many sessions that are needed, and not one more’.

When you feel stuck

Traditional therapies such as psychotherapy or counselling are very helpful of course, but sometimes we are just all talked out.

We can reach a stage of healing where we are looking for more practical strategies and tangible solutions.

CBT is also a Solution Focused approach that has helped many of clients previously. However, some found it didn’t shift deep-rooted unconscious patterns of behaviour, resolve past traumas or resolve more complex phobias. For some people, as soon as they stop the CBT exercises, the fears and anxieties return quite quickly.

These clients really want to move on. I that understand all too well.

Healing deeper wounds

I have experience of successfully helping people resolve past traumas - inherited or inter-generational, childhood and specific.

I have also helped many people recover from toxic relationships, gaslighting, bullying at work, narcissistic abuse or coercive control.

These clients have often lived with overwhelming anxiety, stress, insomnia, burn out, OCD, intrusive thoughts, and the symptoms of complex phobias such as flashbacks, dissociation or limiting beliefs.

Gentle Solution Focused approaches allow people to gently heal, to rediscover who they are, and to envisage and create healthier, happier futures.

For complex issues, my approach may not be the whole answer. However, my personal and professional experience indicates that it’s likely you will move forward: develop strategies to help you navigate difficult feelings, feel calmer and more in control, and often resolve or reduce many trauma triggers.

Respecting your beliefs

I enjoy supporting people with different faiths and belief systems; men, women, adolescents, members of the LGBT+ community, people from different social and ethnic backgrounds, people with ADHD or autism, and die-hard traditionalists too.

You are the expert on you

Solution Focused approaches pre-suppose you have the solutions deep within yourself. My role is to ask carefully framed open-ended questions to help you work out the next steps for you to help you heal, recover or move on.

Control over your thoughts, behaviours and life

What mattered to me as I recovered from my own grief, loss, trauma and anxiety, was regaining ‘personal agency - control over my thoughts, actions and life.

I discovered to my amazement that Solution Focused approaches gave me back that personal agency. And that was the key to healing.

No digging into the past; No talking about the same problems week on week; No analysis; No judgement; No labels.

I simply believe in your capacity to change and I am committed to giving you back control over your thoughts, actions and, ultimately, your lives.

The foundation of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is Solution Focused Brief Therapy or SFBT.

SFBT is a tried and tested psychological therapeutic process that reflects current knowledge of neuroscience and psychology and focuses on now and the future to resolve the past.

Hope opens the door to healing and a better life.

The most important aspect of Solution Focused work is Hope.

Then learning to to accept, heal and resolve brings greater resilience and leads to greater peace, a better quality of life and success - as defined by you - reflecting your values, beliefs and model of the world, in all areas of your life.

My own healing journey

My childhood and early adult years were traumatic and challenging in multiple complex ways. I know only too well that finding out who we are beneath traumas and deeply embedded programmes can be very challenging.

Personal Agency

The foundation of my own healing was learning to calm the central nervous system in order to feel psychologically safe. I discovered gentle suggestion-based hypnotherapy, yoga and guided meditations help quieten my mind, and rested my body. Then the healing really begin.

At the same time, Solution Focused conversations enabled me to steadily regain that all important personal agency - the ability think my own thoughts, feel my own feelings and ultimately make my own decisions.

Radical, painless transformation

For me, Solution Focused approaches resulted in radical and painless transformative change that enabled me to accept, resolve, heal and finally flourish on my own terms.

A combination of Solution Focused healing modalities helped me determine my own desired outcomes and gave me tools to manage difficult feelings, and ultimately to gain control over my own pace of healing.

Now I am delighted to witness these transformations in my clients too.

My values; your values

We see highly publicised therapists advertised widely. Many include hypnotherapy and NLP in their packages. Often their model is to make maximum profit with high ticket programmes to which you have to commit. For some people, the high ticket price is part of the commitment and it suits them very well.

These programmes can, however, over-promise and give false hope to many who carry trauma, have underlying conditions or more complex issues leaving many disappointed, frustrated and considerably poorer! I have seen some of these in my clinic.

Many people need a more tailored and sensitive approach.

My ethical basis

I work from an ethical base that the client’s beliefs, values, culture and model of the world are respected. In general, I use carefully framed suggestions and the clients’ own language patterns of hope and healing. The unconscious mind can resist commands. This especially true for clients who have suffered trauma, neglect or struggle to feel safe.

Above all, I aim to create a safe, non-judgemental space for clients to resolve issues in a way that’s comfortable for them.

Nevertheless, progress can be rapid and transformational. But the miracles are my clients. Not mine.

Rapid inductions and direct commands

I do occasionally also use rapid inductions, direct commands and parts hypnotherapy but only with the clients express permission. I use these direct hypnosis methods usually for simple issues such as habit or mindset change, however this approach can also be very helpful for stuck or over-analytical clients .

I don’t promise miracles, although my clients report experiencing them often.
— Jane Pendry at Sense-Ability

Why Solution Focused therapies?

For me, the impact of Solution Focused approaches was significant and rapid compared to traditional talking therapies.

By training, I am a psychotherapist accredited and insured to practice Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, supported by Solution Focused Brief Therapy, NLP Coaching and Rewind Trauma Therapy and other modalities. I am not a Clinical Psychotherapist and do not diagnose or analyse clients.

My aim is to help others become their best version of themselves through complementary approaches. I didn’t choose to train in traditional talking therapies because, while they are hugely helpful in many instances, they weren’t so helpful for me.

NB: I rarely use the term psychotherapist as people generally view this to mean a Clinical Psychotherapist which can be misleading.

Authentic, resolving, accepting, embracing

My greatest life lesson is that a fulfilled life means discovering and nurturing your authentic best version of yourself; processing and resolving what you can change, accepting and embracing who you are now, and identifying and realising your best hopes for the future.

Supporting you at your pace

I start where you are now and work at your pace. Many of my clients overcome difficulties in a short space of time, while for some with more embedded issues, progress may take a few weeks or months.

I encourage you to find your own solutions aligned with your beliefs, values and motivations (not mine). I am honoured to work with people of many faiths (and no faith), people from many different cultures and backgrounds, who discover their unique solutions and paths to realising their best hopes.

Believing in your capacity to change

The therapist or coach matters as much the process. Having someone working with you who believes in your capacity for transformation makes all the difference. Equally, you, the client needs to feel comfortable with your therapist

This is called the therapeutic alliance and is one of the most important factors for good outcomes.

My Training

Diplomas in Hypnotherapy

I was awarded my Diploma in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, DSFH, with Clifton Practice Hypnotherapy Training in December 2018 and gained a further Hypnotherapy Practitioners’ Diploma, HPD, in 2019 through CPHT.

Through Ewan Mochrie at Inspire 360, I trained as an NLP Practitioner and Coach in 2014.

I completed an additional Certificate in SFBT for Trauma with renowned SFBT Practitioners Elliott Connie, Adam Froerer and Jacqui von Cziffra-Bergs on 2021, building on the International Certificate in Solution Focused Brief Therapy gained in August 2018 with SFBT’s most well-known expert trainers, Elliot Connie, and Evan George and Chris Iveson of BRIEF in August 2018.

Hypnotherapy for PTSD

Completed the Beat the Retreat training course (May 2024), advanced specialist training in hypnotherapy for PTSD with former war journalist and hypnotherapist, Sarah Yuen Gilliat.

Sarah developed and refined a protocol to successfully work with military veterans, the police and first responders who were suffering from PTSD andCPTSD. This protocol includes analytical hypnosis, parts hypnotherapy and controlled age regression.

Rewind Trauma Therapy

My in person training in Rewind Trauma Technique (2019) with Dr David Muss, founder of the International Association for Rewind Trauma Therapy, IARTT, provides me with highly specialised skills to help clients overcome traumas such as car accidents, difficult births or other single event traumas (PTSD), as well as reducing the impact of more complex traumas (CPTSD), such as child abuse or severe neglect, coercive control, narcissistic abuse or military trauma such as combat stress (available free to military veterans).

Trauma Informed Certificate

I am a trauma informed practitioner and recently completed the Trauma Informed Coaching Certificate with Melbourne-based The Centre for Healing in April 2024.

Being trauma-informed means understanding the impact trauma has on an individual's neurological, biological, psychological and social development, and thereby creating a respectful, supportive and non-judgemental healing space for all sufferers of trauma. It is not about the therapeutic approach to helping clients recover.

CPD, Solution Focused Hypnotherapy for PTSD with Andy Workman, former police author of Cavemen and Polar Bears. Andy is a Solution-Focused Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist, Author and Motivational Speaker.

I am also a qualified Therapy Supervisor and I provide Continued Professional Development (CPD) Workshops on Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) and Body Language."

Specialist Trauma Training

Training in EMDR with Dr. Marc Johnson JP, Ph.D., MSc.(London), MSc. (Valencia), MMed., MNCH(Acc.), MCNHC, CH, HPD, DipCAH, PNLP, North Wales Clinical Wellness Centre.

I undertook specialist one-on-one training in helping clients recover from coercive control, gaslighting and bullying from nationally recognised Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist David Kilmurray of the Kilmurray Life Centre in Coventry in order to help survivors of domestic abuse, workplace bullying and boarding school syndrome move forward with their lives.

I have completed additional one-on-one training with The Clinical Hypnotherapy School in Emetophobia, Needle Phobia and Professor Whorwell’s IBS Protocol.

I trained with The Beat Retreat in Hypnotherapy for PTSD - the Military Approach, with Sarah Yuen and I am a registered CATCH PTSD therapist.

In addition

I have recently undertaken additional training in hypnotherapy for OCD, for weight management, and Parts Hypnotherapy using rapid induction with John Sellars Dip.Hyp, FSSCH.

In 2021, I gained a TQUK Level 2 Counselling Certificate. This does not qualify me as a counsellor, as all my work is Solution Focused, however it does guide me on those occasions that an existing client needs a safe place to be heard and validated, and informs my equality and safeguarding policies.

In 2022, I trained as an EFT and TFT Practitioner in 2022; and as a Master EFT and TFT Practitioner in 2023, both with Graham Nichols. EFT Tapping and TFT Tapping are evidence based approaches that help anxiety and phobia sufferers manage triggers, calm their central nervous system and change behaviours. I have integrated tapping into my therapies and programmes to provide supportive tools to deal with stress, anxiety, trauma triggers and OCD.

I am committed to ongoing Continuous Professional Development over and above that required by my accrediting bodies and continue to expand and reinforce my skills and knowledge to the benefit of my clients.

Three Best Rated

In 2023 and 2024, Three Best Rated, recognised Sense-Ability as one of the Three Best Rated Hypnotherapists in Oxford. Best Three Rated Assessors make their recommendation using a 50-Point Inspection which looks at reputation, history, complaints, ratings, satisfaction, trust, cost, reviews and excellence.

I have regular one-one-one supervision sessions with Trevor Eddolls.


Just so you know what these letters after my name mean.

DSFH, is the Diploma in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and HPD is the Hypnotherapy Practitioners' Diploma both from Clifton Practice Hypnotherapy Training.

AfSFH is the Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapists.

MNCH - is the National Council for Hypnotherapy.

ABNLP and ABH - are American accreditations which affirm that I am a trained and qualified NLP Practitioner and Coach which includes Ericksonian hypnosis.

IARTT is the accrediting body for Dr Muss' Rewind Trauma Technique.

CNCH - The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council - is the Gold Standard accreditation for all complementary therapists. It was created by the government to provide an independent register of complementary healthcare practitioners to protect the public. CNHC's register has been approved as an Accredited Register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care, the same government body that audits Doctors and Dentists.

PGCE - is the Postgraduate Certificate in Education which all state school teachers are required have. Cantab tells you I gained this at Cambridge University (Homerton College).

Teaching and Communication Skills

My teaching, study skills, communications experience, storytelling skills, yoga teacher training and Neuro Linguistic Practitioner (NLP) training all complement my therapeutic professional training.

Before starting Sense-Ability, I spent over 25 years in marketing and communications in the business-to-business and education sector, and was a primary school teacher at Brookland Junior School, Hampstead Garden Suburb for five years.

I have a degree in English, Drama & Theatre Studies from Royal Holloway College and I am a qualified teacher with a PGCE in KS2/3 from Homerton College, Cambridge and a qualified Hatha Yoga teacher.

Senior SF Coach

I have been a Senior Coach for a South African company where I developed Solution Focused Team Coaching for SMEs, schools and charities.

Therapeutic Experience

I am delighted to have helped many adults and children overcome acute and complex phobias, particular emetophobia, generalised acute and chronic anxiety and related disorders, social anxiety, irrational fears and even profound and complex traumas. I help men and women recovering from toxic relationships (personal or work-related) recover from the trauma and hurt and rebuild their lives - often surprisingly quickly.

I have worked with survivors of all sorts of toxic relationships: partners, spouses, bosses, colleagues and parents. I’m not a Clinical Psychologist but have a working understanding of narcissistic abuse, gaslighting, coercive control and trauma. Therefore, I have only worked with clients once they are physically safe, are all talked out, or have a good understanding of what happened, how and why, and are now ready to heal through somatic practices, and ready create a better life with Solution Focused approaches.

Where there is a need for further understanding, I sign-post clients to reputable sites or therapists who can provide more insight if that’s needed. Often, my clients have found their own insights as they heal. I also listen, hear and validate my clients’ experience, and I believe in their capacity to heal and to find themselves again.

Jane Pendry from Sense-Ability

Jane Pendry from Sense-Ability

Seeing clients achieve their goals?

The Solution Focused approaches I use have helped many clients create and realise challenging personal or professional goals, e.g scientific researchers setting up complex clinical trials and entrepreneurs identifying and realising long held ambitions.

The exceptional results I see are down to neuroscience and the powerful combination of SFBT and hypnosis, NLP, Solution Focused Coaching, Rewind Trauma Therapy and the belief and commitment of my clients.

Complementary therapy

“I do not diagnose nor claim to cure physical or mental illnesses diagnosed by a licensed medical practitioner. I offer complementary therapies that encourage natural healing processes, and use tried and tested tools or processes that can support clients’ own healing, resolution and positive change with compassion and kindness.”

Working with Clients outside the UK

My accreditations are from the UK and USA. IARRT is an international accreditation.

UK & Europe

I practice across the U.K., Europe and the USA (in English) and am insured to do so. It is possible to work with clients in other countries, time difference and technology allowing.


The USA has different licensing laws in each state. In many I could not call myself a psychotherapist as I am not licensed as one in that state. Hypnotherapy is generally unregulated across the USA. If you reside in the USA resident, please check the licensing situation in your state before contacting me so we may discuss the possibility of working together.

Fully DBS checked and fully insured

Click here for client Testimonials. You will find links to Google Business and Yell reviews on that page.

If you have any questions about my journey to becoming a healer and coach, or any questions about Sense-Ability, do get in touch.

Professional Integrity

I am fully trained and accredited to deliver only those therapies on this website by appropriate respected professional bodies (see footer). I do not offer regression. I do not claim to cure. Any transformations that may take place are down to the client’s ability to heal or resolve and results cannot be guaranteed.

Always check the training and accreditation of therapists before working with them. If you are under the care of a psychiatrist, please consult them before having any complementary therapy to support you with an enduring mental health issues.