How can I Manage & Master OCD?

Online across the U.K., Europe & USA

Jane Pendry

DSFH, HPD; Reg CNHC, AfSFH, MNCH, ABNLP, ABH, IARTT; BA Hons (London), PGCE (Cantab), Three Best Rated Hypnotherapist, Oxford, 2023

Brown bears are often poached from the wild and locked in cages. In distress they rock and pace. We display obsessive behaviours when we feel trapped and anxious, or fear losing control. Photo Becca @binkaboka Unsplash

The Sense-Ability Manage & Master Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Pathway

Learn to better control intrusive thoughts, ruminating and unhelpful rituals with Sense-Ability’s approach to managing OCD symptoms and related conditions.

There’s no claim to cure or fix OCD. OCD is a complex disorder, multi-faceted disorder with no single cause that arises from a complex interplay of genetic, neurobiological, environmental, and psychological factors. There’s no claim to cure or fix OCD.

The Sense-Ability Manage & Master OCD Pathway aims to help you transform much of the fear and anxiety that underpin OCD, and to help you steadily rewire your subconscious mind to develop greater inner stability and a healthier, happier life.

Depending on root causes of your OCD, and nature of your condition, results will vary. Hypnosis and other modalities used in The Pathway work with the plasticity of your brain and adaptability of your unique nervous system.

The results of the Pathway will vary and outcomes cannot be guaranteed.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, SFH utilises both the conscious and subconscious mind, to help reduce distressing intrusive thoughts, obsessions, repetitive habits and behaviours, hoarding, avoidance behaviours, procrastination and the accompanying overwhelming anxiety that underpins OCD.

The aim of this Pathway is to improve symptoms, give you a greater sense of control, and relieve distress, reduce shame and process associated traumas so that you can better manage OCD symptoms better, and feel more comfortable and in control more of the time. It’s a complementary approach that can support other therapeutic approaches.

Gentler than Exposure & Response Therapy

The Sense-Ability approach to managing and mastering symptoms of OCD draws from elements of Exposure & Response Prevention Therapy but much of the exposure and behaviour change take place at the unconscious level.

OCD clients who have had CBT or ERP often tell me that they find the Sense-Ability Solution Focused approach much more gentle and less stressful; even enjoyable. The light to medium hypnotic trance state is, in itself, pleasant and deeply relaxing so sessions become something to look forward to.

How Does the Sense-Ability Pathway Work?

The Sense-Ability Pathway utilises the power of your imagination and the natural plasticity of the mind to gently change the way you respond to and manage intrusive thoughts, repetitive rituals and actions at a pace that feels safe for you.

The Sense-Ability Manage & Master Pathway is still a form of exposure therapy, however, exposure happens in a more natural and manageable way as clients become calmer, build resilience and feel more in control. It’s very much a complementary supportive approach.

The Sense-Ability Pathway

First, Jane at Sense-Ability helps to calm your central nervous system and tone your vagus nerve to reduce stress and anxiety.

Jane uses supporting therapies to make life less stressful from day one, including: breathing techniques, mindfulness exercises, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and where appropriate, EFT tapping, Rewind Trauma Therapy and bi-lateral stimulation resources.

Then, step-by-step, OCD clients can gently learn to take more control over distressing and unhelpful obsessive and intrusive thoughts and behaviours.

Solution Focused conversations enable you to re-imagine and reframe new achievable challenges, which are then embedded while you are in the alpha-brainwave state of naturally induced trance. You will still be able to hear and respond to the sound of my voice but will remaining deeply relaxed.

Benchmarking and Scaling

Using benchmarking and scaling, you can measure your progress which helps you steadily build confidence and resilience, and increases motivation to take back control of your thoughts, actions and reactions at your pace.

Why not ERP?

ERP works very well for some people and if you haven’t explored it yet, it’s worth researching to find out if this is an approach that works for you.

By definition, many of the clients I see are those for whom ERP has been less effective, or who require some further support while they undergo ERP therapy.

ERP has been clinically trialled, however researchers Clara Law and Christina L Boisseau explain that, “Despite strong evidence supporting the use of ERP in the treatment of OCD, about 50% of patients do not show significant improvement and 25% to 30% drop out of treatment prematurely.” Although ERP can be effective, it requires high level of discipline and persistence and many people find it daunting and stressful. To have some emotional and practical support, stress relieving strategies and help processing past traumas through ETP therapy can be helpful.

Managing and mastering your OCD symptoms need not be so overwhelming or challenging.

Get in Touch

To chat through how the Sense-Ability Pathway might help you, or your child (she’d 22 and over), do get in touch for a free exploratory telephone consultation.

Sense-Ability Articles

Also Solution Focused Hypnotherapy online for conditions rooted in our fear-based primitive minds including: Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), social anxiety, exam or presentation nerves, overwhelming stress, burn out and emotional exhaustion, fear of vomiting or emetophobia, complex and medical phobias, misophonia (overwhelming emotional responses to noises), travel traumas and fears, and recovery from coercive control, gas-lighting and bullying.

Also support for exams: managing stress, study skills, overcoming procrastination, presentations and changing social media habits.

Jane Pendry

DSFH, HPD; Reg CNHC, AfSFH, MNCH, ABNLP, ABH, IARTT; BA Hons (London), PGCE (Cantab)

Sense-Ability Hypnotherapy & Coaching,
+44 (0) 7843 813 883

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy for anxiety, stress, OCD, trauma and emetophobia. Oxford based - Online U.K., Europe and USA regulated states.