Jane’s Approach

Resolve. Heal. Flourish.

Resolve. Heal. Flourish.

Resolve. Heal. Flourish

Jane Pendry

DSFH, HPD; Reg CNHC, AfSFH, MNCH, ABNLP, ABH, IARTT; CTAA, BA Hons (London), PGCE (Cantab): Best Hypnotherapist, London & The South East, Prestige Awards, 2023/2024; Three Best Rated, Oxford 2023

Transform stress, anxiety, traumas and complex phobias and become your flourishing, authentic best version of yourself.

Compassionate, supportive therapist

Online Therapy from the Comfort of Home

“What will your life be like when your problem is resolved?”

Sense-Ability Solution Focused Therapies

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and Rewind Trauma Therapy are at the heart of Sense-Ability’s tailored, complementary approach.

Jane helps clients to:

Finding emotional freedom

Become calmer and more confident, and develop a virtuous cycle of positive thoughts, actions and interactions to become your best version of yourself aligned with your core values, beliefs and motivations.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, a tried and tested approach to help you:

  • process loss and grief with support

  • manage overwhelming anxiety & stress

  • manage OCD, obsessing, ruminating

  • dissolve negative self-beliefs

  • overcome fears, phobias & trauma

  • stop unwanted habits, behaviours

  • alleviate depression & low mood

  • stop ruminating & obsessing

  • manage pain & chronic health

  • uncover authentic values

  • find your true purpose & motivations

  • realise dreams, hopes and goals

  • Imagine & create your future

Rewind Trauma Therapy can resolve traumas and phobias painlessly and quickly

Rewind Trauma Therapy can resolve traumas and phobias painlessly and quickly

What can you expect?

What I don’t do

  • No intrusive questions

  • No judgement

  • No labels

  • No analysis

What you can expect

  • Compassion, validation, kindness

  • Belief in your capacity to change.

  • Exploration of your Best Hopes.

  • Celebration of skills / resources.

  • Empowerment to make changes you want

  • Respect of your beliefs and values

The Sense-Ability Process

Initial Free Consultation

The Free Sense-Ability initial half hour Exploratory Consultation gives you time to discuss your issues, and learn how Jane’s Solution Focused approach works.

One Hour Assessment

Learn how your brain and nervous system play a part in your issues, and hold the key to resolving them.

The one hour Sense-Ability Formal Assessment & Neuroscience Presentation helps you understand how you can change your future.

Now you can make an informed decision about whether Sense-Ability therapies are right for you, and choose to actively consent to the Sense-Ability Pathway discussed with you.

A Typical Sense-Ability Session

The brain is made up of billions of neurons, or nerve cells that send electrical messages that enable you to think, breathe, talk, eat, and walk.

Solution Focused conversations and hypnotherapy both encourage new neurons to grow - neurogenesis - and help to forge new neural pathways between neurons in the brain. This is partly how we change behaviours, habits and emotional responses, and reinforce them.

Emotional Regulation Took Kit

During sessions, you may be given useful resources to add to your Sense-Ability Emotional Regulation Tool Kit e.g. breathing exercises, affirmations, bi-lateral stimulation exercises, or tapping patterns etc

Longer Sessions

Sessions processing trauma, or where clients need to talk and process current events may be longer by arrangement. These longer sessions may include Trauma therapies that require more time to deliver.

Photo Brainwaves (c) Wikipedia

About Hypnosis

During hypnosis you are eased into a state of deep relaxation - similar to the natural state experienced watching a great film, or drifting off before sleep.

Hypnosis is not mystical or otherworldly. It’s a normal everyday state, gently induced and extended in a safe, controlled way, by a trained hypnotherapist for therapeutic purposes.

Suggestions and stories, not commands, help you change the way you think, act and react.

Each hypnosis session is structured as follows: gentle breathing and body scan relaxation, induction (easing you down to the alpha-to theta relaxation state, somewhere between waking and dream sleep), suggestions, and a selected metaphorical story that the unconscious mind interprets and embeds.

Moving forward at your pace

I know from experience, that understanding the root or cause of a trauma or chronic mental health problem doesn’t always resolve it, nor bring the hoped for relief.

To be heard, validated and believed is essential to healing of course.

But when you are all talked out, and understand the hows and whys, Solution Focused approaches can help you accept and embrace where you are now, and gently move you forward to your Preferred Future, at your pace, whether that’s rapid and dramatic transformational change, or steady, stable incremental steps forward.

Moving forwards with Sense-Ability

Moving forwards with Sense-Ability

Overcome anxiety, trauma and phobias

Trained in the Solution Focused Therapies that have transformed my own life, I specialise in helping people resolve the symptoms of trauma, overwhelming acute or chronic anxiety, and related conditions such as insomnia, obsessive ruminating and OCD and low mood and depression, irrational fears and better manage physical conditions impacted by stress such as ME/CFS, IBS and chronic pain.

Helping people move on from toxic relationships

Some traumas leave deep emotional scars and result in profound anxiety and low self worth. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy empowers clients to explore their best hopes, find their voice and steadily move their life forward at their own pace.

Helping people resolve complex phobias and traumas

Traumas and painful past memories can be painlessly resolved through Rewind Trauma Therapy, EM

I support clients as they gently resolve complex phobias that have any trauma element, particularly emetophobia (fear of vomiting), and medical phobias including needle phobia.

EMDR and Rewind Trauma Therapy are both forms of memory reconsolidation and work with the brains natural plasticity to reprocess distressing memories and emotions.

Rewind Trauma Therapy and Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing (EMDR) equip Jane to help clients process and resolve traumas related to toxic relationships, break-ups, divorce, gaslighting, bullying, coercive control; and complex phobias.

Where there are blocks to healing, Jane can use Parts and Root Cause Hypnotherapy with direct hypnosis to allow the unconscious mind to address the ‘parts’ of your personality that are stuck and holding you back.

Helping clients resolve specific issues

Rewind Trauma Therapy has been tried and tested over 30 years, and trials for single event traumas have shown it to be as effective as EMDR in resolving specific single event traumas.

EMDR is an NHS approved, well researched therapy which has been found to be around 80% effective in resolving trauma - even complex trauma symptoms - even when are no specific visual memories.

Resolving anxiety-related issues

Using Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, Jane helps clients resolve deep-rooted anxiety including phobias, travel fears, social anxiety, irrational fears, public speaking, weight management issues, bad habits, bullying, gaslighting and coercive control.

Helping clients break habits & change behaviours

Jane also helps people with less complex issues like breaking bad habits (nail biting, hair pulling, snacking, neck clicking) and unwanted behaviours (being irritated or irrationally angry), procrastination, (leaving late for work, putting off important tasks) using direct or indirect hypnosis, parts hypnotherapy and NLP. These less complex issues are usually resolved quickly between two and five sessions.

Empowering you to create your Preferred Future

Therapy Tailored to you

The Sense-Ability Solution Focused process is tailored to you, your values, beliefs, story and history, your hopes and aspirations and gives you back ‘personal agency’ - control over your thoughts, actions and life.

Tried and Tested approaches

Solution Focused Brief Therapy and Coaching was developed in the 1970s.

A group of therapists in Milwaukee realised that, even after years of traditional talking therapy focused on recalling and analysing the past, many clients did not get better.

Clients kept talking about their problems over and over again. They were stuck.

This group of family therapists and researchers explored best practice for positive outcomes and through research and analysis, developed

Solution Focused Brief Therapy or SFBT. This approach focuses on now and the future, and taking steady incremental steps forward to changing the way clients think, act, react, and interact. It is a tried and tested proved method of psychotherapy widely used in social work, medical care, school, the police, and increasingly in individual, couples and group therapy.

Based on Neuroscience

With the advent of brain scans came a greater understanding of neuroscience. Recent research indicates that memories can get stuck in the amygdala, the part of the primitive mind that acts as our alarm system, trigger the fight, flight, freeze response. Somatic approaches that heal body and mind together are now understood to be most effective ways to shift traumatic memories and to permanently and painlessly change the way we think, act and react to external stressors. I strongly believe that therapy need not be painful to be effective and I am committed to working in ways that reduce distress and anxiety, and do not re-traumatise or trigger clients.

Hypnotherapy Calms the Body and Mind

After many years of counselling to address complex childhood trauma, to little effect, I was surprised to discover that hypnotherapy, and simple interventions like breathing, EFT tapping and mindfulness, made much more difference than all the talking in the world. That seemed counter-intuitive.

Now I know that Hypnotherapy physcially calms the central nervous system and tones the vagus nerve along the gut brain axis. People who are overwhelmingly anxious, or carrying traumas, become calmer and more in control, day by day and week by week in a way that feels safe.

Trauma survivors can find quietening their system alarming, as being on high alert kept them safe for so long, so being able to explore safety and security at your own pace is very important. I adapt the hypnosis language patterns to be trauma informed where needed (you feel what you feel with no expectations).

I emphasise that clients make changes at their own pace. Sometimes change is rapid and transformational, however, where there is trauma, it often takes a little longer to feel safe, and progress is more steady and incremental, while being relatively rapid in relation to some traditional talking therapies.

Neurodiverse Clients

I have considerable experience working with neurodiverse and autistic clients.

As SF approaches are so empowering and are founded on the principle that you are the expert on you, Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is an approach that can feel more comfortable, rational and empowering for those on the autistic spectrum, and those who may feel often misunderstood, judged or labelled.

There are no labels in my clinic. No judgements. No imposed limiting expectations. Everyone is treated as an individual that understands their own needs and has the capacity to find solutions to their own issues.

Adjustments are made by agreement, such as having a parent or carer present, answers to Solution Focused questions being shared before the session in writing, hypnosis scripts shared before sessions, and different session lengths.

I wouldn’t be half the person I am now without Jane, I truly account her for saving my life and allowing me to live a life off tablets, whilst finding the true meaning of happiness in myself.
— MM, January 2021

Be free from trauma

Underpinned by Neuroscience

Sense-Ability Solution Focused therapies are rooted in neuroscience. In your first consultation, you will learn how the brain works, how anxiety, depression, phobias, fears and OCD are created and how Sense-Ability Solution Focused therapies help you resolve them.

Hypnotherapy Oxford, England, across UK, Europe & the USA

For all practical and legal purposes, overseas clients are choosing to undertake Hypnotherapy in Oxford, England, U.K. USA clients are accepted from States where Hypnotherapy is explicitly or presumed to be unregulated.

Professional Integrity

I am fully trained and accredited to deliver therapies on this website by appropriate respected professional bodies (see footer). I do not claim to cure. Any transformations that may take place are down to the client’s ability to heal or resolve. Results cannot be guaranteed.

You can’t control the world, but you can change the way you react to it.

Your Medical History

If you have a diagnosed mental health issue, Jane may need to contact your psychiatrist before working with you. Jane is DBS checked to work with vulnerable adults. Jane reserves the right to decline working with a client if she believe her services are not appropriate or conflict with current therapy.

Jane Pendry
Sense-Ability Hypnotherapy & Coaching
Wheatley, Oxford, OX33 1XJ
+44 (0)7843 813 883

Photos (c) Unsplash